Service in the Revolutionary War per "Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War Volume I" by Murtie June Clark
Pay Abstract Nr 13, Colonel JohnCotton'sRegiment, Stevenson's Creek Militia,Ninety Six Brigade, Captain Henry Rudolph's Company now at Dorchester, SC, 183 days, 6/14 to 12/13/1780
Ensign McAdam Foralick [looks suspiciously like Adam Fralick]
Private Thomas Thornton Jun
Private John Thornton
Private Barnet Snell
Private George Snell
Private Addam Snell
Private Jacob Snell
Pay Abstract Nr 115, Colonel Baily Cheney's Regiment, Ninety Six Militia, Soldier's Certification, Charlestown SC, 178 days from different pay periods, 10/12/1781 to 4/7/1782
Captain Adam Fralock [misspelled in reference]
Lieutenant Thomas Thornton
Pay Abstract Nr 134, Colonel Thomas Pearson's Regiment, Little River Militia
Captain Adam Fralick, 42 days service, 3/25 to 5/5/1782
Private George Snell, 60 days service, 3/7 to 5/5/1782
Private John Thornton, 60 days service, 3/7 to 5/5/1782
Pay Abstract Nr 155, Colonel Thomas Pearson's Regiment, Little River Militia, Ninety Six Brigade
Captain Adam Fralick, 5/6 to 8/5/1782
Captain Thomas Thornton, 5/6 to 8/5/1782 [likely to have been George's half sister Mary's father in law]
Private George Snell, 5/6 to 8/5/1782
Private John Thornton, 5/6 to 8/5/1782
Pay Abstract Nr 167, Colonel Thomas Pearson's Regiment, Little River Militia, Ninety Six Brigade
Captain Adam Fralick, 8/6 to 12/31/1782
Captain Thomas Thornton, 8/6 to 12/31/1782
Private Thomas Thornton Jun, 8/6 to 12/31/1782
Private John Thornton, 8/6 to 12/31/1782
Private George Snell, 8/6 to 12/31/1782
Refugee Lists. Donations to distressed Refugees, formerly allotted in abstract _ but not called for, 10/12/1782
Captain Adam Fralick for distressed orphans
Mary Thornton

